The REACH for BRAIN project consists of a Working Group with experts from legal, ethical, scientific, and community engagement fields. To download the full researcher and staff list here, click here.


Principal Investigators

Francis X. Shen, JD, PhD

Professor of Law, University of Minnesota; Chief Innovation Officer, MGH Center for Law, Brain & Behavior

Francis X. Shen, JD, PhD

Harvard Medical School: Associate Professor, Center for Bioethics

Harvard Law School: Harvard University Affiliated Professor

Massachusetts General Hospital: Chief Innovation Officer at the Center for Law, Brain, and Behavior, Department of Psychiatry

Johnathan Jackson, PhD

Founder and Research Principal of Crescent Advising; Director of Community Access, Recruitment, and Engagement (CARE) Research Center, MGH.

Johnathan Jackson, PhD

Crescent Advising: Founder

Massachusetts General Hospital: Executive Director of the Community Access, Recruitment, and Engagement (CARE) Research Center


Susie Huang, MD, PhD

Associate Professor, Radiology, Harvard Medical School

Susie Huang, MD, PhD

Harvard Medical School: Associate Professor

Massachusetts General Hospital: Radiologist


Working Group

Co-Investigators & Additional Key Personnel